Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Out Foxed

I turned on Fox Cable News this morning at 7:30 am as I started work. Yep, I work at home and sometimes the television at my work station keeps me company. I quit driving the freeways to work several years ago. Yes, I am gloating. It's one of the best decisions I ever made because I timed it almost perfectly with the development of e-communications. The early going was tough, but in the past handful of years the email, internet and other communications have become almost flawless. It's nice to be semi-removed from racing my fellow rats.
As I was saying about FNC, as soon as it came on they were talking about some girl named Lindsay Lohan that had been arrested for drunk driving and having cocaine in her pocket. That's bad. I would imagine over the breadth of the US there were thousands of DWI arrests that night. I once made 5 DWI arrests in one night working alone. So, I was wondering what's so important about this girl, among all the thousands of DWI arrests that occurred.
I turned off the TV cuz I wasn't interested.
I turned it on again at around 9am. They were talking about the arrest of Lindsay Lohan. A famous psychiatrist was opining.
I turned off the TV cuz I wasn't interested.
I turned it on again at around 11am. They were talking about the arrest of Lindsay Lohan. The arresting police officer was being interviewed. Don't they know the department has to pay him overtime for that?
I turned off the TV cuz I wasn't interested.
I turned it on again at around 1pm. They were talking about the arrest of Lindsay Lohan. Greta Van Susteren was being interviewed about interviewing others about Lindsay Lohan.

I turned off the TV cuz I wasn't interested.
I turned it on again at around 3pm. They were talking about the arrest of Lindsay Lohan. They were showing photos of this girl and apparently this is not the first of her trouble.
I turned off the TV cuz I wasn't interested.
I turned it on again at around 5pm near the end of my work. They were talking about the arrest of Lindsay Lohan. #(@**$*@($)(!@#$(%&*^^@Dirty Words in Large Bunches!
Who the hell is Lindsay Lohan anydamnway? Has she made some great contribution to mankind that I missed! Do Fox's sponsors know they are talking all damn day about this girl, whoever she is?
Hello, Planet Earth? Any one sane still left there? Can your hear me? Earth? Sanity? Are you there?


Enemy of the Republic said...

I've never seen this woman in a movie, nor heard her music. I know her through the media assault--and I don't want to know.

Monogram Queen said...

I agree, i've never saw Lindsay Lohan in a movie only on the internet or front page of tabs as i'm standing in line at the market. When are people going to get their priorities straight.

Miss you Seven!

Rick said...

I'm pretty sure Lindsay is famous for teaching Brittany and Nicole how to shave their nether regions.

kathi said...

She was in the disney programs growing up, I remember her from that, watching them with the kids. Another sad case of too much too soon without anyone keeping her grounded. I hope she makes it through this. I still remember the great loss of River Phoenix...not that she's reached this sort of caliber, but it's still sad.

Lynilu said...

Seven, dahling, I gave you an honorable mention award on my blog. Go check it, please. And thank you!

Oh, yeah, and you're right about that! Geez, I really hate "celebrity news."

Seven said...

Silver Lovely,
I have always thought it a bit dangerous to cause a woman to think too much. It's usually better to conquer them quickly before their good sense recovers!
Still, you know I love ya too.